PS: Mailing Creativity to Loyal & Potential Inboxes?

Kashika Jauhari
2 min readDec 1, 2020

Does a brand push its limit to reach you in every possible way?

Pinterest image

Sending emails is not a new phenomenon it is going on for a very long time, but at those times people were not aware of the technology, of the advertisements, or the term promotions. People use to buy for their necessities and run the daily household, and as time grew the consumers became more careful and gave a second thought before purchasing any new product.

Commercial advertisements also played a very vital role in making a consumer aware as to what is that they are purchasing. Then brands started to communicate with their customers as well as prospects and not only through advertisement or paid promotions but through one to one interaction. And Email is the one-shot the brands took to communicate to their loyal and potential consumers.

Email today in 2020 is the major source for communication and brands are also taking it grimly. They try to reach out to all their customers including the ones who purchased and also the ones who do not purchase their products. It is called “Retargeting & Remarketing” in marketing terms. Brands need to make sure that the ones who purchased their products are satisfied and would remain their loyal customers for a lifetime, on the other hand, the ones who do not make a purchase after visiting the purchase site are the ones who need a little more attention and are in the process of making a purchase but somehow delaying it.

The brands are always trying to convince the potential buyer to make a purchase through emails, reminding them that they visited the site for a certain product they didn't purchase which provokes the customer, again and again, to think about it and finally leading them to make a purchase. Trying to retain a customer is very important and difficult at the same time but if your brand pushes their limits to keep you as their unwavering buyer, then viola!!

Marketing, branding, advertising, and promoting are not the easiest tasks for a brand to do but if it does and in the right way which initially helps and satisfies their customers then it is a remarkable achievement for a brand and to keep communicating to their consumer's, brands must go beyond their reach to impact the masses.



Kashika Jauhari

Hey, this is Kashika member of the medium since July 2020. Trying to create content that unambiguously connects to readers.